
113-1【帶領外籍生進行社區語文相關之服務學習】 境外生國際文化交流活動 Cross - Cultural Exchange Activities for Overseas Students




Cross - Cultural Exchange Activities for Overseas Students


  • 活動時間/地點:113年12月09日(一)至12月13日(五),依錄取者空堂時間安排
  • 報名條件及名額:國立高雄餐旅大學境外生,名額限定12-24人,每組1-2人。
  • 線上報名期間:即日起至113年11月8日(五)止(額滿為止)
  • 備        註:
  1. 此課程為免費課程,並有工讀金(200元/時)。
  2. 每次課程為1小時,收到錄取通知後,需繳交活動簡報,並於113年11月30日前繳交至語文中心華語組,簡報內容需要包含華語文及英文,希望進行全英簡報,並包含互動遊戲或問答題。
  1. 此中文加強班並非有學分課程
  2. 線上報名後要求取消報名/退出者,將列入黑名單,喪失參加本中心爾後2年內所有活動及課程之權利。
  3. 2年內曾被列入黑名單者,無法報名課程。
  4. 報名前請務必詳閱上課規定。
  5. 報名者同意肖像權(活動照片)自報名起,永久無償授權主辦單位及其再授權人,為活動之宣傳使用(含網路宣傳)。

【Guiding Foreign Students in Community Language Service Learning】

Cross–Cultural Exchange Activities for Overseas Students

Introduce yourself and your hometown to the students at the Affiliated Hospitality High School of National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. Through your presentations and small games, you will assist Junior High School and Senior High School students in understanding international cultures!

  • Event time and location: Dec 9th (Mon) to Dec 13th (Fri), according to the availability of the accepted participants.
  • Registration and Quota: NKUHT International Students, with a limited quota of 12-24 people, 1-2 people per group
  • Online Registration Period: From now on – Nov 8th 2024 (Fri) (Until the quota is full)
  • Notes:
  1. This course is free of charge and offers a part-time job salary (NT$200 per hour)
  2. Each session lasts for 1 hour. Participants need to prepare the presentation with activities and submit them to the Language Center – Mandarin Division by Nov 30th, 2024. The presentation content needs to include both Chinese and English. We hope to have entire English presentations, including interactive games or quizzes.
  1. The Chinese Class is NOT a credit course.
  2. Students who ask to cancel their registration will be put on the Language Center blacklist and will not be allowed to register for Language Center activities/courses for the next two years.
  3. If you are on the Language Center blacklist, you may not join this activity.
  4. Please read the rules before you sign up.
  5. The registrant agrees to let National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism use their photos from the event for promotional purposes (including online promotion) from the time of registration


