
華語學分班 For Degree Courses

境外生華語選課須知Important Notes on Mandarin Courses for International Students

大一新生 For Freshmen:

因本校華語語言課程及華語文化課程實施分班制度,如想加/退選該門課程之境外生,請在加退選期間至語文中心填寫「學生選課報告單」,並請依照國立高雄餐旅大學境外生華語課程實施要點(Implementation Rules Governing Mandarin Language Studies for International Students),於畢業前修讀指定華語學分。

Due to the class division system implemented in the Chinese language training program and the Chinese culture program, international students who wish to add or drop these courses should go to the Language Center during the add/drop period to fill out the "Add/Drop Form." In accordance with the "Implementation Rules Governing Mandarin Language Studies for International Students," students are required to complete the designated Mandarin credits before graduation.


Freshman international students: During the course add/drop period for both semesters, the Language Center will automatically assign appropriate Chinese language training and some Chinese culture courses to freshman international students based on the results of the "Mandarin Proficiency Placement Test" taken upon entry. If international students do not wish to take these courses, they must go to the Language Center to fill out an application form to withdraw from the courses.


Those who wish to apply for exemption from Mandarin courses should submit a valid TOCFL certificate or score report obtained within two years prior to enrollment. The application, including both the original and one copy of the relevant documents, must be submitted to the Language Center from the start of the first semester after freshman enrollment until one week after the start of the following semester.



Implementation Rules Governing Mandarin Language Studies for International Students


學生選課報告單Add/Drop Form

大二以上學生 For Sophomore Students:


During each semester's course add/drop periods, the Language Center will automatically assign international students to Chinese cultural courses based on their general education subjects. International students who wish to add or drop these courses should go to the Language Center during the add/drop period to fill out the "Add/Drop Form.". Please be mindful of your graduation credit requirements.




113 Mandarin Course Announcement