
繳費方式 & 退費政策 Payment & Refund Policy


Payment and Reminders


1. 確定成班後,學員須繳交當期學費10%作為訂金,完成後方核發入學通知單

After the class is confirmed, students are required to pay 10% of the tuition fee for that term as a deposit. Once payment is completed, the Admission Letter will be issued.

2. 學員如於第一次繳費時即繳交學費全額,享學費優惠95折。

Students who pay the full tuition amount during the first payment will receive a 5% discount on tuition fees.

3. 如何付款? How to pay? 


The 10% tuition fee is paid through international bank transfer. The remaining tuition fees and other expenses can be paid in NTD cash upon arrival at NKUHT.

       **醒您,提前支付全額可享學費5%折扣。A gentle reminder: A 5% tuition discount is offered for full payment in advance.**

4. 本中心提供繳費單,請依指示繳交。

NKUHT will offer the payment slip, and please transfer the fee with our instructions.

5. 請注意,匯款所需的銀行手續費,包含匯款端、中轉銀行、收款端之手續費皆由匯款人支付。

The expense of all processing fees, including those charged by the remittance bank, the intermediary/corresponding bank, and the beneficiary bank, should be paid by the applicant.)



退費政策 Refund Policy


1. 如因本校因素無法開課,則全額退費。

If the course cannot commence due to factors from our institution, a full refund will be provided.

2. 訂金 (學費10%) 不予退費,但可以申請保留。保留至多兩期,若未能於保留期間入學者,則視為放棄。

The deposit (10% of tuition) is non-refundable but can be applied for retention. Retention can be extended for up to two terms, and failure to enroll within this period will be considered as a withdrawal.

3. 因退費程序而產生之交易手續費及匯差需須由申請人自行負擔。

The applicant is responsible for bank fees and exchange differences.

4. 申請退費須備齊文件後提出。未備齊者不予受理。

Refund applications must be accompanied by all required documents. Incomplete submissions will not be processed.

5. 處理退費須四到六週。

It can take up to 4-6 weeks to process the refund application. Thanks for your patience in advance. 

6. 持研習中文停留簽證而辦理退費者,本中心將於受理退費後三天內通報移民署該生不在本校修習華語。

For those holding study visas for Chinese language courses who request a refund, our center will notify the immigration authorities within three days of processing the refund that the student is no longer studying Mandarin at our institution.

7. 退費金額 Amount of Refund:

  • 開班日「前三週」申請退費者,退還學費 90%
  • 90% of the tuition fee can be refunded if the applicant applies for a refund and completes all the necessary procedures 3 weeks before the first day of the term. 
  • 開班日「前二週」申請退費者,退還學費 80%
  • 80% of the tuition fee can be refunded if the applicant applies for a refund and completes all the necessary procedures 2 weeks before the first day of the term. 
  • 開班日「前一週」申請退費者,退還學費 70%
  • 70% of the tuition fee can be refunded if the applicant applies for a refund and completes all the necessary procedures 1 week before the first day of the term. 
  • 開班後未逾當期三分之一期程申請退費者,退還學費 50%
  • 50% of the tuition fees will be refunded if the applicant applies for a refund within one-third of the scheduled course duration after the class begins.
  • 開班後已逾當期三分之一期程申請退費者,恕不受理。
  • No refund will be processed if the applicant applies for a refund after one-third of the scheduled course duration after the class begins.

8. 退費申請 Refund Application

備齊下列文件親洽華語中心辦公室辦理 :

Please submit the following items to the CLC office in person to apply for the refund

  1. 學費收據正本 The Original Receipt
  2. 入學許可書  The Original Admission Letter
  3. 存摺影本  A Copy of your Bankbook
  4. 如本人無法臨櫃辦理退費,另須繳交親筆簽名與蓋有手印之委託書,及email告知華語中心相關訊息。 If the applicant cannot apply in-person, an autographed “Letter of Authorization” with hand print must be submitted. Also, the applicant must send an email informing us in advance.